What can I negotiate in a sales contract?

You can negotiate anything.

But just because you can does not necessarily mean that you should - and it also does not mean that the other party has to agree.

You have to remember that if you are in competition with other buyers a lot of the time it will come down to conditions because the offers dollar wise are generally similar.

The other thing that you need to do is put yourself in the sellers shoes.

Generally speaking, if all things are equal what they will do is go with the ‘cleanest’ contract.

As they should, because there are less road bumps along the way.

Standard terms that are involved in most contracts such as the building and pest clause and your finance clause are generally expected depending on the method of sale.

But you can still make those more attractive by shortening them. Instead of a 14 day finance clause
do it in 10 days. Which you can do if you have a proper pre-approval.

Why not do a 3 day building and pest clause? Get a building and pest inspector there the next day and make your decision that afternoon.

If that’s what gets your offer over the line, go for it.

You may also be interested in this article about what constitutes an unconditional contract.

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